Saturday, February 14, 2009

You celebrate Valentine's Day your way.....

And Pigtails will celebrate his way. Which this year apparently includes wandering through Jayne Mansfield's bathroom with it's shag carpet adorned walls and ceilings. Bet that smelled great after a while.


Claroscureaux said...

I was thinking the exact same thing about the smell.

I love this - so cheesy and decadent. She's even got shag on the side of the tub.

Clifton Guilaroff said...

Also take note of just how incredibly shitty the workmanship is in this room. The house was a wreck from the 20s when they bought it in the fifties- this most likely was a closet or something they turned into a bathroom. Dogshit quality louvered windows and best of all is how the carpet on the wall obscures half of the window on the right. Also instead of finishing the tub properly with granite on all sides they slapped up this crappy pink shag. Again, the stink factor in here must have been mind-boggling.

Anonymous said...

I wish you wouldn't bring me into this stuff

Anonymous said...

Nor me, since you can't spell, moron.

Claroscureaux said...

I did notice the shitty craftsmanship, particularly how the tub was left unfinished and you can see the gaps in the stone -- I'd assumed it was some quickie thing done for studio publicity.

My dad was on the road the night she was killed and saw the accident scene right after it had happened.