to the seven followers I have, first, thank you, I so appreciate your interest
I'm not going to post here for a while, I only have six arms and six legs
would you be so kind as to add the new hollywood trainwreck as something you'd follow
click here, dears
Saturday, January 9, 2010
would you do me a frickin favor already?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Scared you, didn't I?
Listen up:
We're creating an alternate site.
This site will remain our special lil secret. One that you can share with one million of your friends.
We're trying to turn this into a business and hope we'll have your support. Needed a slightly, just ever so slightly less hostile website url. The new site will begin about mid November. We're in this for the long haul, so your patience will be rewarded, Donna. And the other four of you.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Holy Shit God Almighty
I am in Helsinki on assignment for Mr. Hughes. Did all fucking hell just break loose?
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Two comic geniuses died this date
First, in 1990 we lost Jacob Gellman, one of my comic heroesOne of my favorite movies featuring Jack:
and then, in 2001, again, one of the great comice geniuses of the 20th century, and that is no exaggeration, Imogene Fernandez de Coca
Monday, June 1, 2009
Hollywood Trainwreck 2009 calendar- June artwork
Pigtails infrequently invites outsiders into his part of the villa. He and companions Piggy Gugenham and Hamouflage have knocked off some rather large bottles of 'buie here in the sunroom of his wing. Mrs Nazimova has no idea that he's painted the walls, the window frames, a couple of frescos and the ceilings (it took him two days cuz he had to do it by himself). If you run into her please do not mention it, or that there is a second story to Villa Cugat.
365 days later we still miss him
If you watch these you won't have to wiki YSL, who left us one year ago today. My beloved husband Rusty was and is an avid fan.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Died this date in 1951
What do you know about Fania Borach?Originally buried in Home of Peace Cemetery in East LA, Fanny now resides with her daughter Fran, son-in-law Ray Stark and grandson Peter in Westwood.
Who left a mark as great as she?
If Mary Pickford was not the most important woman to live in the 20th Century, well, she certainly was one of them. Whatever I write here won't do justice to her contribution to the history of both the film business and her home of fifty years, Beverly Hills. She died today, in 1979 in her home, Pickfair:Pickfair, 1920
All that remains of the original home is the swimming pool
And a small sampler of this tiny dynamo
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hide the liquor
According to Bennett Cerf in his 1944 book Try and Stop Me, Woolley was at a dinner party and suddenly belched. A woman sitting nearby glared at him; he glared back and said, "What did you expect--chimes?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
We will always remember you, Uncle Charlie
Possibly the greatest agent of all time, Charles Feldman passed on this date in 1968. He is shown in the bar here at the Garden with client Rita Hayworth. As you can plainly see, they both are warmly greeting Cobina as she comes to fish Pigtails out from under the banquette. They just love Mom.
The gentlemanly agent and producer resides in Hollywood near the love of his life, Jean Howard.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Forty-eight years later we still would marry her
Joan now resides in Culver City at Holy Cross, you'll note that Wiki thinks Joan is five years older than her headstone would have you believe
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Julie Julie Julie Do You Love Me?
Julius Jacob Garfinkle, also known as John Garfield- gone fifty-seven years todayyou'll watch the whole thing if you want by clicking on the youtube logo, but here's at least enough to whet your appetite
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Memorial Day is practically here
If you have a moment, start the slide show and let the Boss sing to you. Life is a precious thing as is love.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Fifteen Years Later, She's Still Gone
I know you know I'm talking about Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, and this is her:Complicated life. Don't think I would have wanted to trade places with her, think of what she saw.